Saturday, March 19, 2016

Where to start........

Yes, where should I start? Hmmmm, so many things on my mind. Sometimes I wonder, why are things happening to me, what did I do wrong in my life, to be punished. But then on the other hand I tell myself, its all for a reason. Its all about Breast Cancer. My journey with this ugly desease started in June of 2014. Going faithfully every year to my Mamogram, I call it boob squeezing, boy and they sure hurt. No matter what they tell you, like laying off coffee, I don't think they really know. There should be something better then having your private parts smushed into a vise. I think it was a man who invented them machines, I think we women would had something more gentle. But then they do safe life, so ladies do them if you can and don't make any excuses. I was diagnosed with DCIS, which is Ductual Carcinoma in Situ, which means it was very early, stage zero breast cancer, like pre cancer if you will, it was in the milk ducts, but it was still captulized and nothing had spread, so I guess it was a good thing to get this type, instead the invasive one. Since I have been affected by that and go to monthly cancer meetings, its like an epidemic out there, like a catching desease. Everyone is having breast cancer, even some men I know. Yes, men can get it too. We all do not want to talk about Cancer. It is an ugly word and you wish you would have never heard this ugly word coming from your doctor. It has not been easy, 4 surgeries later, but I have been a very positive person, there is nothing what you can do about it, except staying positive through the whole ordeal. There will be times when you will have a down day, or maybe a down moment for me, but I do not let this overtake me. Thats why I chose the title for my new blog "when life gives you lemons, make lemon drops" and they are sure yummy? Once in a while I have to have one. If they are made the right way, oh boy they are delicious. Well, I guess that will be it for tonight, I will come back soon and write a bit more about this.

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